Ice baths, or cold-water immersion (CWI), can have many health benefits, including:
Reduced inflammation
Cold water constricts blood vessels, which reduces blood flow and swelling. This can help relieve sore muscles and speed up recovery after exercise.
Improved mood
CWI can increase endorphins and norepinephrine levels, which can improve mood. It can also decrease cortisol levels, which can help improve resilience to stress.
Boosted immunity
Small studies suggest that regular ice baths can help the body's immune response, which may help reduce the number of bacterial infections.
Improved cardiovascular health
A 2015 study found that cold-adapted participants had better markers for cardiovascular health.
Improved cognitive function
CWI may help restore balance to the nervous system and improve cognitive function.
Reduced stress
CWI can help decrease tension and anger.
How to use ice baths
- Athletes often take ice baths after workouts to help with recovery.
- For a quick mood boost, you can try daily cold water face immersions.
- For long-lasting benefits, you can try consistent full-body CWI.
You should speak with your provider before incorporating an ice bath into your routine.